I am reading “On Gallows Down” by Nicola Chester

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Hey thank you for the mention, much appreciated, currently in the UK with Covid, walloped on the first few days of getting here 😞 I need some reading recommendations because it looks like I’ll be spending the next few days in isolation. Perfect timing, sort of.

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Damn. I wonder if you got it on the plane. Get well soon man. I struggled to concentrate with covid. Hope you have it easy.

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I think so, people next to me unmasked, I’m the only one who has tested positive, thankfully rest of the family doing okay. Bit of Glasto to keep me company.

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I’m reading exclusively non-fiction at the moment, but the last novel that blew my tiny little mind to smithereens was Antkind by Charlie Kaufman. It’s 700-ish pages long, took me ages (and that included a couple of 8 hour days doing nothing but reading!), but when it finished I just wanted to go back to that world.

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I'll look it up. Sounds epic thanks!

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Documentally

On a Lex Fridman podcast, Elon Musk's girlfriend, Grimes, was over the moon about an Iain M Banks novel calle, "Surface Detail". I hadn't read Iain Banks since Wasp Factory, so I'm through the first 150 pages of Surface Detail (it's a longun at 600 pages). I'm finding it fascinating. Dead souls, not really dead, contributing to another species of what I think are going to be revolutionaries against the living (my conjecture at this point). All stories told in a Star Wars kind of galaxy of different beings, including humans. I can't read just one book at a time, so this is my science fiction choice for June/July

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Cheers I'll bookmark this as well :-)

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I like the sound of the 100 Things We've Lost book. I read a lot of stuff, but mainly fiction (crime/SF&F) so not sure our tastes overlap too much. Greatly enjoyed The Backyard Adventurer by Beau Miles (on audio), plus his YouTube channel is well worth a watch.

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Yes I've seen some of his videos :-)

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‪I’m sure it’s accidental, but I noticed that all the books in your pile as well as on Kindle were by men (though you also mention Pamela Paul’s book). Thanks for great posts. ‬

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You are not alone in that observation. But I will be honest I was totally oblivious to how many male authors I had put aside till later. 100% of the pile is quite something. The books I am partway through and bookmarked do contain some female authors. Outside of Pamela Paul there is Hannah Braime, Susan Sontag, Julia Cameron, and Ellen Marie Wiseman.

I certainly don’t buy a book because of the author. More often than not it’s through, recommendation or subject matter. I will now go and take a look at my bookshelf as well as my good reads reading list. I have a feeling it will be quite masculine.

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