If happiness is not the absence of problems but being able to deal with them, then all going to plan I’m only a few days away from a zen like bliss.
Luckily I have bored my internal complaints department enough to know you don’t also need to hear my tales of woe. The research deadlines, plumbers not turning up, hostile immigration services, family at the hospital and a few first world problems that on reflection are just me unable to accept broken systems and doubting my ability to get through this. After all… [searches internet for wisdom] …a problem is just another opportunity to grow [punches internet in the throat].
Jeff Mermelstein puts down his Leica and picks up his iPhone to take photos of phone screens during texting.
Of course I should have been doing something else but after checking out this whisky review of Dimple I got to looking at photos of ships in bottles. Particularly ones in Dimple bottles.
Quite appropriately, this amazing new mural of June Brown by Gnasher can be seen in the east end of London.
The obituary of June Brown. I also recommend watching the linked video of her with Lady Gaga.
Thanks to Scott Liddell who just shared this to me via Twitter. Why Putin underestimated the West.
Inspired by Brian Eno’s oblique strategies I have made a short list of 12 oblique strategies for your next podcast. Print them on a piece of paper, cut them into strips, mix them up and pull one out. See where it takes you.
Embrace a cliche
Scramble your format
Think of audio visually
Work at a different speed
Highlight the insignificant
Go outside with a new tool
Emphasise the background
Collect the disconnected
Show off a talent no one knows about
Collaborate with someone you disagree with
Go to an extreme and then return to a comfortable place
Interview a professional about something they know nothing about
Love this sound map. It’s really well populated and easily accessible should you want to add your own high quality sounds. It’s also great to see what gear people are using. I have had the immersive ‘Miniatures For Mobile’ app for a while but not seen this part of the site. Thanks to Tim for the link.
Quilt is a social wellness focused audio platform.
Mushroom picking very nearly wiped out the Italian side of my family. This article describes what happens when you eat a poisonous mushroom.
My lad had ‘compass’ on his birthday wish list. He was lucky to get two gifted. I bought this little one in the photo not knowing that a larger Silva all singing, all dancing one would also arrive from someone else. Weirdly the proper one he got points the wrong way. That is to say the end marked north, points south. Now although not unusual, I have not seen a wonky compass since I was a kid. Back then my Grandad showed me how to recalibrate the needle with a speaker magnet. I’ll have to see if I can find a strong magnet and try to copy what he showed me over 40 years ago.
Anyway while he waits for me to fix the larger one he has grown quite attached to this little one. So to capture my appreciation and his for this lovely little thing I wrote this review on Amazon. It still needs to be cleared but might pop up soon.
Did you know that if walking long distance across featureless open landscapes you will eventually walk in a circle?
I'm sorry to break this to you but one of your legs is fractionally longer than the other (if you have two legs) and if you cannot get a visual fix on the horizon you will eventually double back on yourself.
Not any more!
This handy little tool will reliably and accurately point north. Plus it's so compact and ergonomically delightful allowing you to wear it comfortably at all times. (My lad wears his everywhere, unless asleep.)
He says... "It's a lovely functional object that feels like a lucky charm. It's already been of use in dark woodland. It's also much better than the other compass I got for my birthday that pointed south!”
Super handy should you suddenly find yourself on a salt flat, in a desert, lost at sea, dog walking on a particularly foggy day, (without your phone) or in a dark woodland. (I must ask my lad what he was doing there).
Even if you are not likely to find yourself in any of these places, being a person full of adventure and intrigue, wearing this will show off an air of mystery.
And if that's not enough to convince you to buy one of these (incidentally i'm not affiliated with this company in any way) you also should know that an EMP will have NO effect on a conventional compass. That's right. When the next naturally or otherwise occurring electromagnetic pulse occurs and wipes out all your electronic navigation devices... this compass will get you where you need to go. Hopefully a bunker.
If you did want to save a few quid you can also navigate by the stars and the sun (also a star). But is that really as cool as looking like you know what you are doing with a compass?
I have now convinced myself to buy another one of these and I hope there is still some stock when you also come to embrace your new life of adventure.
Don't get lost, get a compass!
See you in the wilds!
I did buy another one. Just in case.
Here is an amazon affiliate link should you feel lost.
Also just found this video showing the same recalibration technique my Grandad used.
This kind of stuff blows my mind. Balooning spiders spin webs so thin that they can sail on magnetic fields.
If you live in LA or Austin get yourself on the Documentally community map!
I was quite looking forward to Breath of the Wild 2 looks like it’s going to be delayed till 2023 now.
A girl scout patch for exploring and building trust in journalism.
Now this is a job.
This is a little shorter than usual but I’m glad I managed to get something out on Friday.
This time next week i’ll be in Los Angeles. I will attempt to get some audio into the podcast for you supporting subscribers.
I might find it hard curate one large post while away, so instead I’ll try to fling some sporadic digital moments your way.
Till then, thank you for reading.
And have a great weekend.
“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
~ Paulo Coelho
See you out there.